Step 4: Mapping of the Model Components

If a reasonable structuring of the model components has been made, the mapping for the required software and the interface formats (currently the valid IFC versions) can be made in the next work step, or an assignment of a classification or the translation into further languages can still be added. In order to display the respective column in the work table, this can be switched on in the function bar in the corresponding area. If the corresponding selection is not yet available, then this must still be added in step 1 as part of the basic configuration.

The mapping describes the mapping to the desired data format. BIMQ further supports the user by providing the corresponding selection options depending on the selected software and IFC version. The user is shown the respective selection lists provided by the target system, for example, standard elements can be selected from a drop-down list, which originate from the elements from the classification systems of ArchiCAD, Revit or Allplan.


Another important mapping configuration is the mapping to the preferred IFC schema. Here, too, the user is shown the respective concrete selection lists for each IFC version. This applies to the respective IFC entities and their types (PredefinedType), the IFC PropertySets, the Properties, the hardwired IFC attributes or the IFC BaseQuantities. Additionally, it is possible to create own extended classifications according to IFC, e.g. extended types (UserdefinedType), or additional Classification by Properties.


Further information about: Mapping of the Model Components can be found at the section Templates.

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