BIMQ 2.13

Version: BIMQ 2.13.7

Date: 2024-12-13

This update only contains internal preparations for BIMQ 3.0 that will be deployed mid of December 2024

Version: BIMQ 2.13.6

Date: 2024-12-06

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Export of Information Needs Overview: Some parts were always exported in English, regardless of the user's language

  • PDF report header images are no longer distorted if the aspect ratio did not fit the target ratio

  • File names of IDS and mvdXL exports now always show the IFC version, actor name and code of the exported phase, if feasible

Version: BIMQ 2.13.5

Date: 2024-11-19


Authentication with OAuth 2.0:

The check of the redirect_uri has been made stricter with BIMQ 2.13.4. This also includes the check of subdomains. However, since and are usually regarded as equivalent, the redirect_uri is now accepted with and without the www prefix.

Example: if is valid, is also automatically valid

Version: BIMQ 2.13.4

Date: 2024-11-18


  • Scoping - A scope can now be set in the project requirements. This is possible for elements & groups. This improves the performance for loading the part selection. This is recommended for particularly complex discipline models.
    To do this, you can right-click on the name of the respective entry that you want to select as a subtree and select the “Set a scope” option.

Bug fixes

  • Some links to the official documentation of buildingSmart did not work correctly. This particularly affected the mapping of IFC 4 ADD 2.

Version: BIMQ 2.13.3

Date: 2024-11-12


  • Common Base Quantities - The use of quantities according to the IFC standard has been simplified. It is now completely sufficient to use the general notation (which is already known from Common Properties), e.g. [QtoBase].Length, which is automatically created in the IFC mapping dialog. If this base quantity is used for a beam in the requirements, for example, the correct assignment to Qto_BeamBaseQuantities is now generated automatically and used for the IDS export and others.

    This increases the reusability of templates and reduces multiple definitions of quantities. We will be revising our project templates accordingly in the near future.

  • Information Needs Overview - A property-centered view is now available as a new report type (also known as the dot list, see figure below). This can be configured under Documentation / Report / Excel. This is the first version - which will be expanded in the future. This compact overview is also supported by an auto-filter setup.

Figure: dot list


Bug fixes

  • When resolving IFC definitions, invalid user definition properties were not recognized correctly. (Example: #.IsAGreatProperty is now marked as invalid when no property set was defined).

  • Ordering of phase-use-case-combinations in tab Mass Assignment is now consistent to the requirements view.

Version: BIMQ 2.13.2

Date: 2024-11-07

Bug fixes and Enhancements

  • A checkbox for Allplan mapping was missing under certain conditions. This has now been fixed.

  • API endpoints that offer constraints & ranges - could not resolve INFINITY correctly. This has now been taken into account accordingly.

  • IDS version 0.9.7 is no longer available for export.

  • The revit IFC Mapping File export has been adapted to the latest Autodesk specific notation.

  • The export to DiRootsOne now also supports the German version. In addition, the export provided here is now also valid for all versions.

Version: BIMQ 2.13.1

Date: 2024-10-29

Bug fixes and Enhancements

  • The default sorting for Actors, Phases and Use Cases has been corrected.

  • A bug has been fixed that prevented new projects from being created.

  • An error (combination of IFC mapping & constraints) that prevented units from being included in the Excel export has been fixed.

Version: BIMQ 2.13.0

Date: 2024-10-23


  • Software template export for BricsCAD

  • It is now possible to subsequently change the unit of properties with already defined constraints

Bug fixes and Enhancements

  • Desite export: xs:string is now exported correctly; missing quotation marks added for strings

  • Allplan Excel export: Ui fixes and export of constraints

  • Template Excel export: Missing restrictions when using option "Constraints column-wise"

  • Changing the password resulted in an error if the new password did not comply with the password guidelines