Different functions of the sections of Model Components, Object cards and Requirements

The sections of Model Components, Object cards and Requirements have different tasks.


Model Components


The section of Model Components functions as a database in which all information requirements of a company / project can be defined and managed. Under the tab "Model Components > Requirements Setting", data can easily be assigned to a specific discipline model. This data is then available in the section Requirementsunder the respective discipline model.




In the section Requirements, the requirements assign to the respective project phases or use cases. Here it is also possible to create new objects, property sets, properties ... or to edit existing ones. If new elements are created in the Requirements section, they are also automatically created in the Model Components, however without any structure. For this reason, the data should mainly be managed in the section of Model Components.


Object cards 


The object cards serve to better visualize the assigned information requirements. All information and definitions can be viewed and checked here.