
The rights management in BIMQ is controlled via two separate, independent hierarchy levels. 

The first level is the license model. This regulates the scope of services provided in BIMQ. This includes, on the one hand, the activation of various areas or functionalities and, on the other hand, the number of available projects and user accesses. A detailed overview of the scope and the services of the different license models can be found here

The second hierarchy level is the assigned Role in project. This determines whether the user has access to various areas in the BIMQ user interface or which functionalities may be used. The assigned user role is defined project-specifically and can therefore differ in other projects. The first hierarchy level, the license model, is always placed higher in the BIMQ rights management. This means that it is first checked which scope and services is provided in the corresponding license model. Hierarchically subordinate is the assigned user role in the project, which can map a maximum of the rights supported by the respective license model. A detailed overview of all available user roles in combination with the different license models can be found here